
  • 作者:
  • 来源:
  • 时间:2019-05-18

姓名: 陈安平
职称: 教授
单位电话: 07352653203
电子邮箱: 1186162570@qq.com
办公室: 2号教学楼204室

陈安平,男,教授,博士,湖南祁东县人,中共党员,1962年8月出生。1985年7月毕业于湖南师范大学,获理学学士学位,2006年毕业于湖南大学,获理学硕士学位,2011年毕业于湘潭大学,获理学博士学位。1997年7月晋升为数学专业副教授, 2003年8月晋升为数学专业教授。1998年被批准为湖南省高校优秀青年骨干教师,2003年被批准为郴州市专业与技术带头人,现任湘南学院数学与金融学院院长,学院学术指导委员会委员,湖南省数学会常务理事,湖南省十一﹒五期间和十二﹒五期间重点建设学科“应用数学”学科方向带头人,2006年荣获湖南省人民政府“二等功”称号,2007年担任湘潭大学硕士生导师。
陈安平教授曾主讲“数学分析”、“常微分方程”,“稳定性理论”等课程,2005年主持院级精品课程《数学分析》质量工程项目, 2008年、2011年主持湖南省特色专业《数学与应用数学》质量工程项目。2012年以来从事国培计划、省培计划培训工作,先后分别担任过小学数学、初中数学、高中数学、中小喜盈盈公司怎么样长、教师工作坊研修等培训项目首席专家.




(1)Anping Chen,Yi Chen,Existence of Solutions to Anti-Periodic Boundary Value Problem for Nonlinear Fractional Differential Equations with Impulses,Advances in Difference Equations,2011, 2011: Article ID 915689,1-17.(SCI收录)
(2)Anping Chen,Yi Chen,Existence of Solutions to Anti-periodic Boundary Value Problem for Nonlinear Fractional Differential Equations,Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems,2011, 19(3): 237-252.
(3)Anping Chen,Gu Qun-hua,Periodic Solution to BAM-type Cohen-Grossberg Neural Network with Time-varying Delay,Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica, English Serie,2011,27 (3):427-442.(SCI收录)
(4)Anping Chen,Tingting Ke,Positive Solutions to Boundary Value Problem of Nonlinear impulsive Fractional Differential Equation,Advances in Differential Equations and Control Processes,2011, 7(2): 77-92.
(5)Anping Chen,Fulai Chen,Siqing Deng, On almost automorphic mild solutions for fractional semilinear initial value problems,Computers and Mathematics with Applications 2010,59:1318-1325.(SCI收录)
(6)Anping Chen,Yi Chen, Existence of Solutions to Nonlinear Langevin Equation Involving Two Fractional Orders with Boundary Value Conditions,Boundary Value Problems,2010, 2010: Article ID 516481,1-17.(SCI收录)
(7)Anping Chen,Yuansheng Tian,Existence of Three Positive Solutions to Three-Point Boundary Value Problem of Nonlinear Fractional Differential Equation,Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems,2010, 18(3): 327-339.
(8)Anping Chen,Fulai Chen,Periodic solution to BAM neural network with delays on time scales, Neurocomputing,2009,73: 274-282.(SCI收录)
(9)Anping Chen,Dejun Du. Global exponential stability of delayed BAM network on time scale,Neurocomputing, 2008, 71: 3582-3588. (SCI收录)
(10)Anping Chen,Jinde Cao,Lihong Huang. Exponential stability of delayed bidirectionalassociative memory neural networks with reaction diffusion terms, International Journal of Systems Science, 2007, 38(5): 421-432. (SCI收录)
(11)Anping Chen,Jinde Cao,Periodic bidirectional Cohen-Grossberg neural networks with distributed delays,Nonlinear Analysis,2007,66(12),2947-2961.(SCI收录)
(12)Anping Chen,Lihong Huang,Zhigang Liu,Jinde Cao,Periodic bidirectional associative memory neural networks with distributed delays,Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications,2006,317,80-102.(SCI收录)
(13)Anping Chen,Jinde Cao,Lihong Huang,Global robust stability of cellular neural networks with time-varying delays,Chaos,Solitons and Fractals,2005.23(3),787-799. (SCI收录)
(14)Anping Chen,Jinde Cao,Lihong Huang,Exponential stability of BAM neural networks with transmission delays,Neurocomputing,2004,57,435-454.(SCI收录)
(15)Anping Chen,Lihong Huang,Jinde Cao,Existence and stability of almost periodic solution for BAM neural networks with delays,Applied Mathematics and Computation,2003,137(1),177-193. (SCI收录)
(16)Anping Chen,Jinde Cao,Existence and attractivity of almost periodic solutions for cellular neural networks with distributed delays and variable coefficients,Applied Mathematics and Computation,2003,134,125-140. (SCI收录)
(17)Anping Chen,Jinde Cao,Lihong Huang,An estimation of upperbound of delays.for global asymptotic stability of delayed Hopfield neural networks,IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems-I: 2002,49(7),1028-1032.(SCI收录)
(18)Anping Chen,Jinde Cao,Almost periodic solution of shunting inhibitory CNNs wih delays,Physics Letters A,2002,298,161-170. (SCI收录)
(19)Anping Chen,Lihong Huang,Existence and global exponential stability conditions of almost periodic solution in DCNNs with variable coefficients,Southeast Asian Bulletin of Mathematics,2003,27,209-219
(20)Anping Chen,Jinde Cao,Lihong Huang,时滞BAM神经网络周期解的存在性和全局指数稳定性,应用数学学报,28(2)(2005),1-17
(21)Jinde Cao, Anping Chen, Xia Huang, Almost periodic attractor of delayed neural networks with variable coefficients, Physics Letters A, 2005, 340(1–4), 104-120. (SCI收录)
(22) Zhigang Liu, Anping Chen, Jinde Cao, Lihong Huang. Existence and global exponential stability of almost periodic solutions of BAM neural networks with continuously distributed delays,Physics Letters A, 2003, 319(3–4), 305-316. (SCI收录)
(23)Zhigang Liu, Anping Chen, Lihong Huang, Existence and global exponential stability of periodic solution to self-connection BAM neural networks with delays,Physics Letters A, 2004,328(2–3), 127-143.(SCI收录)
(24) Tiejun Zhou, Anping Chen, Yuyuan Zhou, Existence and global exponential stability of periodic solution to BAM neural networks with periodic coefficients and continuously distributed delays,Physics Letters A, 2005 ,343(5), 336-350. (SCI收录)
(25) Yonghui Xia, Fengde Chen, Anping Chen, Jinde Cao. Existence and global attractivity of an almost periodic ecological model. Applied Mathematics and Computation,2004 157(2),449-475. (SCI收录)
(26)Yuansheng Tian,Anping Chen,The existence of positive solution to three-point singular boundary value problem of fractional differential equation,Abstract and Applied Analysis,Volume 2009 (2009), Article ID 314656, 18 pages,doi:10.1155/2009/314656.(SCI收录)
(27)Fulai Chen,Anping Chen,Xiaoping Wang,On the solutions for impulsive fractional functional differential equations Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems,2009, 17(4)379-391.
(28)Yuansheng Tian, Anping Chen, Weigao Ge Multiple positive solutions to multipoint one-dimensional p-Laplacian boundary value problem with impulsive effects, Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal, 2011, 61(1),127-144 .(SCI收录)
(29)Zhigang Liu,Anping Chen,Jinde Cao,Lihong Huang,Existence and global exponential stability of periodic solution for BAM neural networks with periodic coefficients and time-varying delays, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems-I,2003,50(9),1162-1173. (SCI收录)
(30)Zhigang Liu,Anping Chen,Jinde Cao,Periodic oscillatory solution to delayed BAM neural networks with impulses,International Journal of Nonlinear Sciences and Numerical Simulation 2004,5(4),355-362. (SCI收录)