
  • 作者:人事处
  • 来源:人事处
  • 时间:2022-12-26










指导学生参加数学建模竞赛,多次获得国家级、省级一等奖和二等奖;多次指导国家级、省级大学生创新创业训练项目;2006年获得湖南省教学成果三等奖;2009年获得湖南省 青年教师教学能手称号。所教学生中,有24名考上博士研究生,6名在大学担任教授,2名被聘为博士生导师。












1. Jingtang Ma and Zhiqiang Zhou* , Fast Laplace transform methods for the PDE system of Parisian and Parasian option pricing, SCIENCE CHINA, Mathematics. 2021, online. (SCI)

2. Zhiqiang Zhou , Jingtang Ma and Xuemei Gao, Convergence analysis of iterative Laplace transform methods for a system of fractional PDEs and PIDEs, 2018, East Asian Journal on Applied Mathematics, 2018, 8(4), 782–808. (SCI)

3. Zhiqiang Zhou and Jingtang Ma , Lattice Boltzmann methods for solving PDEs of exotic option pricing, Frontiers of Mathematics in China, 2016, 11 : 237–254. (SCI)

4. Zhiqiang Zhou and Jingtang Ma , Second-order lattice Boltzmann methods for PDEs of Asian option pricing with regime switching, Computers and Mathematics with Applications, 2016 , 71 (7) : 1448–1463. (SCI )

5. Zhiqiang Zhou , Jingtang Ma and Haiwei Sun, Fast Laplace transform methods for free- boundary problems of fractional diffusion equations, Journal of Scientific Computing, 2018, 74 : 49–69. (SCI)

6. Zhiqiang Zhou and Hongying Wu , Laplace Transform Method for Pricing American CEV Strangles Option with Two Free Boundaries, Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society, Volume 2018, Article ID 5908646, 12 pages. (SCI)

7. Zhiqiang Zhou and Xuemei Gao, Laplace transform methods for a free boundary problem of time-fractional partial differential equation system, Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society, Volume 2017, Article ID 6917828. (SCI)

8. Zhiqiang Zhou and Hongying Wu, Finite element multigrid method for the boundary value problem of fractional advection dispersion equation. Journal of Applied Mathematics, 2013, 12 : 211–244. (SCI)

9. Zhiqiang Zhou and Xiaodan Wu, Simulation of blow-up solutions to the generalized KdV equations by moving collocation methods, Boundary Value Problems, 2016, (48) : 1–17. (SCI)

10. 周体育平台送彩金怎么领取奖金, 期权定价的移动网格方法和拉氏变换方法研究, 西南财经大学, 博士论文, 2017 .

11. Jingtang Ma and Zhiqiang Zhou, Convergence rates of moving mesh Rannacher methods for PDEs of Asian options pricing, Journal of Computational Mathematics, 2016, 34(3) : 240–261. (SCI)

12. Jingtang Ma and Zhiqiang Zhou, Moving mesh methods for pricing Asian options with regime switching, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 2016, 298 : 211–221. (SCI)

13. Jingtang Ma, Zhiqiang Zhou and Zhenyu Cui, Hybrid Laplace transform and finite difference methods for pricing American options under complex models, Computers & Mathematics with Applications, 2017, 74 : 369–384. (SCI)

14. Jingtang Ma and Zhiqiang Zhou, Moving finite element methods for a system of semi-linear fractional diffusion equations, Advances in Applied Mathematics & Mechanics , 2016 , 8 (6) : 911–931. (SCI)

15. Jingtang Ma, Jinqiang Liu and Zhiqiang Zhou, Convergence analysis of moving finite element methods for space fractional differential equations, Journal of Computational & Applied Mathematics, 2014 , 255 (285) : 661–670. (SCI)

16. Jingtang Ma and Zhiqiang Zhou, Convergence analysis of iterative Laplace transform methods for the coupled pdes from regime-switching option pricing, Journal of Scientific Computing, 2017, online : 1–19. (SCI)